
Aviation  :::  Emercom of RUSSIA
Service of rescue of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia. The air and ground engineering used by the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia in operations on normalization of extreme situations

total: 13

Emercom of RUSSIA

BK-117, Aviation of Emercom of Russia
S. Sergeev, article CC/012

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BK-117, Aviation of Emercom of Russia, Emercom of RUSSIA, views: 2985
Emercom of RUSSIA

Postcards set MChS of Russia
12 postcards. 300 postcards sets, article CC-MChS

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Emercom of RUSSIA

BO-105, Aviation of Emercom of Russia
S. Sergeev, article CC/009

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Emercom of RUSSIA

IL-62M, Aviation of Emercom of Russia
S. Sergeev, article CC/011

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Emercom of RUSSIA

MI-26T, Aviation of Emercom of Russia
S. Sergeev, article CC/010

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Emercom of RUSSIA

MI-8MTV, Aviation of Emercom of Russia
S. Sergeev, article CC/006

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Emercom of RUSSIA

MI-8MTV, Aviation of Emercom of Russia
S. Sergeev, article CC/008

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Emercom of RUSSIA

MI-2, Aviation of Emercom of Russia
S. Sergeev, article CC/003

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Emercom of RUSSIA

KA-32A, Aviation of Emercom of Russia
S. Sergeev, article CC/001

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Emercom of RUSSIA

KA-226A, Aviation of Emercom of Russia
S. Sergeev, article CC/004

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Emercom of RUSSIA

BE-200, Aviation of Emercom of Russia
S. Sergeev, article CC/005

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Emercom of RUSSIA

IL-76TD, Aviation of Emercom of Russia
S. Sergeev, article CC/007

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Exhibitions by Vladimir Clavijo

«Duets play», the Showroom in the Chernyshevskogo street the Group exhibition in Manezh, Spring art parlour Gallery in Kuznetsky Most the Group exhibition in Expocentre in Red Presnya Association of the Moscow artists of Grekov's school Art parlour, the Photocentre the Moscow artists, Manezh, .... :::::
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Монеты из драгоценных металлов тоже подделывают

Монеты из драгоценных металлов тоже подделывают

В Украине появились фальшивки из серебра Пару лет назад Национальный банк вел разбирательства с общественной организацией, которая на Луганском патронном заводе выпускала так называемые «сувенирные монеты» из нейзильбера с портретами ныне здравствующих политиков - Кучмы, Тимошенко, Ющенко и други.... :::::
AIR-2 (second edition)

AIR-2 (second edition)





MAKS '2003

MAKS '2003

80th anniversary of CA of Russia
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